Interview: Silicon Knights' Denis Dyack
We talk Silicon Knights' founder and president to get his latest views on the games industry, as well as the lowdown on Too Human, which is finally released later this month.
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Kikizo: Surely you could now be ranked as an expert on Norse mythology, given you have been immersed in the topic for all this time?
Dyack: I think I know a lot, but Ken, Ken has actually read all the Eddas in their original languages! Learning the original... he has done a ton... it's frightening what he's done! The opening menu has about probably 45 minutes or maybe half an hour's worth of dialogue just talking about the Eddas in the story, so you can just watch it circling the cyberspace tree and learn about the game, it's pretty interesting.
Kikizo: What would you say the overall size of this first Too Human is?
Dyack: First play through is probably around fifteen hours, I guess, it depends. To get to level fifty, it's anywhere from fifty to eighty hours. It's a lot! There's a lot there to want to dig! And to get all the epic loot - I don't even know if it's possible to get everything in the game, it's probably not - not for a single person. We've got a pretty big team testing, and all of Silicon Knights is testing, and just last week I found a combo that I'd never tried before, and that's a major part of the game.
Kikizo: What about a percentage that shows how much you've discovered, so that people have an idea of how much of the game they have truly seen?
Dyack: Well there is that as far as exploring the game, but as far as finding everything in the game, that is practically impossible. So, have you seen the full game, all the cinema? Yes, we have a percentage for that, but for someone to try to find everything, is probably not possible! It would be equivalent to saying: "how much of World of Warcraft have you seen?" - once you get to level fifty, there's epic sets for every different type of class and specialty - it's not measurable! There's not really a game like this, in my opinion, where you combine action with RPG. We think people are going to be really happy with what they're getting here. As you can tell, I'm excited about it - I think it's our best game to date.
Kikizo: What about some of your other projects at Silicon Knights besides Too Human, I've heard that you may have a psychological thriller on the way?
Dyack: Yes, we're not talking about that right now, that was the announcement with the government, we also have a project with Sega that's been announced - the relationship's been announced - but there's been no announcements beyond that.
Kikizo: Denis, thanks so much for your time.
Too Human is released in North America on August 19, and in Europe August 29.