Itagaki: The Kikizo Interview 2005
Our latest, extensive chat with the Team Ninja boss reveals new information on Code Cronus and DOA4, his opinion on EA, and thoughts on recent projects.
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Kikizo: There is ongoing speculation about Dead or Alive Code Cronus. You gave us some details when we spoke last year, but fans are always eagerly awaiting any new information. Can you tell us anything more about the game at this time?
Itagaki: Hmm. So far, if you've been listening to my comments, you know I have a very strategic way of thinking. Code Cronus, however, is pure hobby. It's not something that ties into corporate strategy. It's similar to DOAX in that way. I want the players to perceive Dead or Alive as a genre [in itself], rather than just a particular type of game. I can say that Kasumi and Ayane are in it, for sure.
Kikizo: Tecmo was early to realise how important it is to make games that appeal to a worldwide market. Now, while the Japanese games industry is in a slump, Western game markets are thriving. Why do you think this is? What should the Japanese games industry do to recover?
Itagaki: To recover, we have to change the education system. What is good about the Japanese people is that they are hard workers, and know themselves well. Nowadays, a lot of people here are forgetting such basic concepts. Most of them don't realise what they are capable of, and what they aren't capable of. This situation is resulting in criticism from Western game users. Under such circumstances, their minds close, and their vision gets narrower and narrower. I really think the way the Japanese are educated these days is part of it. Many have lost their personal confidence. In [Europe], the level of education is very high. Our educational system is not functioning so well. Most game developers won't say this sort of thing, but I'm willing to say it simply because I really love games and want to see things improve.
There are several books, written by a certain game developer, about how to create games. Some of my staff are reading such books. When I found those books in the office, I was surprised - I told the team that if they wanted inspiration, to read some [of these] books instead, since they'd be much more useful. They should also look at gambling-style games, like poker, backgammon and blackjack, that sort of thing.
Kikizo: Which rival developers to you admire?
Itagaki: There are a lot of great developers. But they have to do a lot. They need to impress management and study a lot. It's not easy work. A lot of the time, creators aren't even creating things by themselves anymore, you need a huge team for this sort of thing. We at Team Ninja can work quickly because I act as producer, but I can act as a planner or programmer as well, if needed.
Kikizo: Outside of your own titles, what sort of games do you enjoy playing?
Itagaki: Right now, Dragon Quest VIII. But I like all kinds of game genres.
Kikizo: Why do you think several big-name industry figures have left to form their own independent firms?
Itagaki: Because they couldn't get along with their companies anymore. What is good about the Japanese people is the ability to work together. Again, many people have begun to forget about such things. In soccer terms, I can find a good goalkeeper or midfielder, but unless you've got a good captain, you're not going to get anywhere. Take a look at our own titles - they are high-quality work. Then look at games from other companies, as well. They all have strengths and weaknesses. It's like I said: you can find a good goalkeeper out there somewhere, but he alone doesn't make the team work.
The designer of the latest Mortal Kombat game came to me recently, and openly said he liked DOA2, and took ideas from my game. Some people would see that like a declaration of war, but it made me feel pretty good. I was glad to be an influence on them. Most Japanese developers won't openly admit such influences.
Kikizo: What will Dead or Alive: The Movie be like? Do you have any actresses you think would fit the roles of the girls the best?
Itagaki: This is a very hot topic. There's already casting going on for a DOA film. We received bios of several actresses recently. I say, let the professionals in Hollywood decide, in this case. I think we can count on them.
Kikizo: Where do you stand with PSP and Nintendo DS?
Itagaki: Before retiring from making games, I want to make games for these systems.
Kikizo: Why do you always wear sunglasses?
Itagaki: I don't want people to read my mind when I'm playing gambling-type games with others [the Japanese consider the eyes to be the windows to the soul]. These are business sunglasses right now. You can see my eyes now, but in different circumstances...
Kikizo: Thank you very much for your time today and we hope to speak again soon.
Dead or Alive Ultimate is out now in the US and finally arrives in the UK on Friday, 18th February. Read our full review here. Stay glued to Kikizo for more on all the titles mentioned in this interview.
For more videogame interviews, please look here
Video Coverage
(Latest Videos & Video FAQ)PLEASE DO NOT DIRECT LINK TO ANY MEDIA FILE ON KIKIZO Description Dur. Size Details
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Ryu Hayabusa VS Lei Fang on castle stage (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)0.57m
11.9 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Catsuit Tina VS Xbox Kasumi on wildlife stage (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)0.57m
11.7 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Lei Fang VS Bass on drawbridge stage (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)1.01m
12.6 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Lei Fang VS Jann Lee in electric chamber (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)0.53m
10.8 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Zack VS Jann Lee in burning theatre (WOW!) (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)0.55m
10.2 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Ninja Gaiden Ryu VS Jann Lee in night city (WOW!) (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)0.54m
11.0 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Bass VS Zack on drawbridge stage (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)1.00m
12.4 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Hitomi VS Bass in snow cavern (WOW!) (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)0.56m
11.5 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Xbox Kasumi VS Bass in wrestling ring (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)0.55m
11.2 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate (New)
Direct feed gameplay: Awesome 4-Player Tag match in night city (640x480, 2Mbps, 60fps)1.29m
18.8 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
Utterly awesome, extensive, beautiful story sequence showing the girls in their earlier years... (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)5.08m
49.1 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
TGS Showfloor gameplay - Hitomi bikini vs Hitomi schoolgirl in the awesome burning theatre stage (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)0.54m
11.5 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
TGS Showfloor gameplay - Helena vs Hitomi on rooftops stage, falling to street level (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)1.15m
15.8 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
TGS Showfloor gameplay - Gen Fu vs Lei Fang in breathtaking thunderstorm courtyard! (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)1.07m
14.2 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
TGS Showfloor gameplay - Ayane vs Hitomi on temple, falling to dragon chambers (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)0.45m
9.45 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
TGS Showfloor gameplay - Gen Fu vs Hitomi in African wildlife stage (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)0.22m
4.46 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
TGS Showfloor gameplay - Gen Fu vs Jann Lee in aquariam stage (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)1.37m
20.9 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
TGS Showfloor gameplay - Gen Fu vs Leon at the, er, discoteque (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)1.08m
14.7 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
TGS Showfloor gameplay - Gen Fu vs Tina on the drawbridge, falling to the forest (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)0.51m
10.6 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
TGS Showfloor gameplay - Lei Fang vs Tina in the Japanese garden (640x480, 1.8Mbps, 60fps)0.32m
6.61 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
E3 2004: Direct feed trailer - this also happens to be very similar to the game's realtime intro (640x480, 1.5Mbps)4.14m
32.24 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
E3 2004: Conference version of trailer (640x480, 1Mbps)2.43m
20.69 MB
Dead or Alive Ultimate
The second trailer, with incredible new environments and awesome Xbox graphics.
WARNING: Kasumi gets naked in this trailer! (320x240, 2Mbps)3.38min
Dead or Alive Ultimate
E3 2003: Awesome direct-feed trailer showing the characters from DOA 1&2 fighting on Saturn DOA1 and Xbox-quality DOA2 backgrounds. (320x240, 1Mbps)2.22m
19.46 MB