Killzone 2's Successor
As Killzone 2 finally hits stores today, we take a look at what Guerrilla Games could do next.
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#4: Dance Dance Revolution: Killzone Edition
You know what the arcade music genre needs? An unending deluge of grit, gore, swearwords and dynamic light sources, that's what. You can keep your stupid band-themed Guitar Heroes - we're getting down with those cats in the fluorescent eye-wear.
Guerrilla's procedural animation and physics tech, custodian of many a spectacular Helghast death, might be put to the service of the almighty Jive: instead of following on-screen prompts, you could make characters dance by shooting them. Pump a shot into somebody's shoulder for a snappy pirouette, then blast them in the crotch to make them bow to the audience, and drill a few rounds into the corpse for a keeerazy breakdance routine. Throw in a few licensed tracks - 'Oops I Did It Again' death-metal orchestra remix (feat. Colonel Radec), perhaps a touch of Abba, the Backstreet Boys - and this one might just fly.
Acts To Follow:
- Spice World - Sure the Spice Girls have Emperor Visari's looks, but can they rival his caramel-smooth vocals?
- Def Jam: Icon - The only game we can think of where you hurt people with music. Oh wait - hello Zubo.
Killzone 2 is (finally) out now for PlayStation 3.
This is one of several special Killzone 2 features celebrating one of PS3's biggest games ever. If you've been tracking this huge title, here you can catch up on anything you've missed...
Killzone 2 Coverage Center
• Killzone 2: Exclusive Guerrilla Interview 1: Steven Ter Heide (Producer) & Mathijs De Jonge (Director)
(Sep 7, 2007)
• Killzone 2: Multiplayer Beta Hands-On Preview: Extensive playtest of the latest multiplayer build (13 Nov, 2008)
• Killzone 2: Singleplayer Hands-On (Dec 9, 2008)
• Exclusive Guerilla Interview 2: Eric Boltjes and Angie Smets (Online Multiplayer Producers) (Dec 22, 2008)
• 10 Ways to Not Get Owned in Killzone 2 (Jan 23, 2009)
• Discussion: Killzone 2 Surpasses Target Renders (Jan, 2009)
• Killzone 2: The $545 Press Kit Exposed! (Jan 23, 2009)
• Killzone 2: The Review (Feb 2, 2009)
• Feature: Killzone 2 Successor (Feb 27, 2009)