Six Games That Won't Be Worth The Hype
Today's hyperbole, tomorrow's 7/10? Kikizo runs a cynical eye over some of the biggest upcoming console releases.
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Dante's Inferno
PS3, Xbox 360
What they've said about it:
"'God of War meets Dead Space' was the phrase being whispered around the Internet ahead of Inferno's official unveiling. By the time we see the game, the influence is practically screaming out. Make no mistake, this is God of War, set in Dante's Hell, made by the Dead Space team. And if that doesn't get you excited, check your pulse." - Johnny Minkley, Eurogamer
"The time is right for the world of interactive entertainment to adapt this literary masterpiece, and to re-introduce Dante to an audience that, until now, may have been unfamiliar with the remarkable details of this great work of art. It's the perfect opportunity to fuse great gameplay with great story." Jonathan Knight, Executive Producer at EA Redwood
"I'm thinking this is something to compete with GOW. Assuming that they completely f**k with the story they might be able to make something interesting, but then why name it Dante's Inferno? I'm quite interested in seeing how this thing works out." - mastachefbkw, Kikizo forum member
Let's take a closer look at the phrase 'God of War meets Dead Space'. The potential positives should be apparent to anybody who's played either game, living or dead - glorious graphics, bottomlessly detailed settings, nightmarishly inventive (and dismemberable) enemy designs, no-holds-barred melee action - but there are negatives in here too.
God of War is highly linear. Dead Space is fairly slow in the controls department. God of War gets repetitive. Dead Space takes a lot of cues from a four-year-old Gamecube title. God of War's Kratos has all the personality of a rabid baboon. Dead Space's Isaac Clarke has all the personality of an answering machine. God of War's Kratos jumps like he's got the Blade of Olympus stuck up his bottom. Dead Space's Isaac Clarke turns like he's strapped to the prow of the Titanic.
Not quite as rosy-fingered a fusion now, is it? Well, perhaps it is. But we're still going to whinge about it. The above sprinkling of question marks aside, you can be a hundred percent confident that the game will be to Dante's epic poem what a World Wrestling Entertainment TV premiere is to the fight scene in Hamlet. Put it this way - the dialogue won't be delivered in terza rima.
Probable appalling reviewer's quip: "Upping the (D)ante".
Likely score: Six Circles of Hell out of nine.