Video Interview: Tetsuya Mizuguchi
We sit down with the Sega veteran to talk game design, PSP, Nintendo DS, convergence, the Rez sequel and what's in store for Q Entertainment.
Tetsuya Mizuguchi is regarded by many as the coolest guy in business. He makes games that real gamers admire and obsess about - games like Sega Rally, Space Channel 5 and Rez.

But those beloved days at Sega are now over for Mizuguchi-san, who left last year to form his own studio - Q Entertainment. Miz was kind enough to chill with us recently for a lengthy interview that proved he's still full of all the ideas that drive success.
In this exclusive interview Mizuguchi discusses:
- His favourite project at Sega - Rez
- Why Sega "can't make" Rez 2, his plans for its spiritual sequel
- Why did so many people not get the concept of Rez?
- Convergence - communication, cellphones, iPods and how it will all impact videogames
- How to get girls, and speak any language in the future, all thanks to technology!
- PSP and Nintendo DS - who'll buy them, production opportunities, strengths and drawbacks, multi platform strategy - and why they're more exciting than Xbox 2 and PS3.
- Which recent game he enjoyed, and which he is most looking forward to...
- On Sammy controlling Sega - feel the awkwardness!
- The setup of his new studio, Q Entertainment
- The concept to be universal in all his future games.
Mizuguchi speaks in English throughout the interview, although some parts will benefit from a bit of common sense on the part of the viewer. In other words, you might need to exercise a bit of patience when Miz is explaining a concept he's finding a little tough to express in English - but with concentration, you'll appreciate what he's saying.
We didn't feel it was necessary to add subtitles but if anybody has any problems enjoying the interview please let us know and we might get a transcript done at some point.
We think Mizuguchi-san is a man with big ideas, a designer who will truly embrace new opportunities available in next generation home consoles and portable machines. Our video interview includes clips of Mizuguchi's finest work, guaranteed nostalgia for every fan of his Sega titles.
We'd like to thanks Mizuguchi-san for his time and wish him all the best with his productions at Q Entertainment.
Adam Doree
Interview conducted by Daniel Boutros
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Description | Dur. | Size | Details |
Tetsuya Mizuguchi Video Interview Extensive video interview with the game design guru, formerly of Sega's UGA studio and now President at Q Entertainment. Must-see! (320x240, 330kbps) |
24.11m | 59.4MB | WMV |
Tetsuya Mizuguchi Video Interview Extensive video interview with the game design guru, formerly of Sega's UGA studio and now President at Q Entertainment. Must-see. (240x180, 124kbps) |
24.11m | 23.2MB | WMV |