Biohazard Still GameCube Exclusive
Capcom have denied rumours that the Resident Evil series is going multi-platform.
Last week, the Nikkei news organisation reported that Capcom are set to end their exclusive relationship with Nintendo on key titles, specifically the Biohazard series. The titles in question are Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil 4.
However, good news for GameCube owners followed soon after, as Capcom issued a statement denying that Resident Evil would be going multi-platform. It still looks likely though that Resident Evil 4 will be Capcom's last GameCube exclusive title. And let's face it, 'exclusive' these days means something more along the lines of 'exclusive for about a year'.
This news follows speculation that many publishers, including Capcom and the likes of Electronic Arts, would be moving away from the GameCube platform.
Whilst there is little doubt that confidence in Nintendo's royalty fees, and in turn GameCube's thirdparty support is dwindling, this statement indicates that there are still some exclusives lined up for GameCube. But you do have to question the logic of keeping key franchises exclusive to GameCube moving forward.
John Gold
Thinks Nintendo will rethink their royalty structure 'next' time.