Mario Kart GameCube: First Screens
Mario and friends arrive in their 128-BIT vehicles - first ever screenshots inside.
Mario Kart has been in development for GameCube ever since the platform was revealed. It was a tiny part of Nintendo's tech demo at E3 two years ago. Well this year, it's set to be fully unveiled and fully playable.
And as you can see, it looks pretty nice, sees the return of all the characters, supports multiplayer and is guaranteed to play like a dream. But shouldn't it look a bit better on the GameCube, graphically speaking?
Perhaps it's just the screenshots, but it doesn't look nearly as accomplished as certain Rare projects that were unveiled on GameCube way back at Spaceworld 2000. In fairness however this probably looks beautiful when it's moving. We'll know once we get some hands-on action at E3 next month.
Adam Doree
Banana skin tactics... blatant!
ADDED APRIL 28, 2003: