E3 2003: Capcom's Line-Up
Capcom have announced their line-up for this year's show, and there are a couple of surprises in there.
Capcom USA have announced their E3 lineup. There aren't many surprises, but with a strong showing including promising titles such as Resident Evil 4 and Onimusha 3, who can complain? Besides, there's always the possibility of some surprises once the show kicks off. For now, the list is as follows:
- Onimusha 3
- Onimusha Blade Warriors
- Resident Evil: Dead Aim
- Resident Evil Outbreak
- Chaos Legions
- Maximo Vs. Army of Zin
- Mega Man X7
- Bombastic
- Resident Evil 4
- Gotcha Force
- Mega Man Network Transmission
- P.N.03
- Resident Evil Code: Veronica
- Viewtiful Joe
- Dino Crisis 3
- Group S Challenge
- Pro Cast Sports Fishing
- Steel Battalion Online: Line of Contact
GameBoy Advance
- Disney's Aladdin
- Disney's Magical Quest 2
- Mega Man Battle Network White / Blue
- Mega Man Zero 2
- Onimusha Tactics
PlayStation 2
Stay tuned for our impressions of all Capcom's titles this year.