E3 2003: Metal Gear Solid 3 Confirmed
Konami confirms Metal Gear Solid 3 will make an appearance at E3 next week, but in what form remains a mystery.
Following our earlier speculation that Konami's Metal Gear Solid 3 is well into development, but might or might not make an E3 appearance, Konami have now confirmed that the game will be shown at E3.
However, what form the unveiling will take remains to be seen. It's unlikely to be a restricted closed-doors showing, but equally unlikely to be playable on the showfloor. Our guess is that it'll be somewhere in between - perhaps a video trailer for the game on Konami's big screen.
It kind of demonstrates a big contradiction on Kojima-san's part - after he completed MGS2 he stated quite categorically that he didn't want to make another MGS sequel, and that he'd prefer to let a younger, budding games director at Konami take over the series. We guess it must be difficult to turn down the commercial incentive, huh?