E3 2003: A Look at the LACC
With the Pre-E3 Media briefings set to kick off tomorrow, E3 is soon going to be in full swing. Here's a look at the Convention Center today - and this year's big logo is...
Atari, freshly hatched from their Infogrames egg (sorry, Billy Hatcher fever kicking in there) have bought the 'outdoor media' space on the front of the Los Angeles Convention Center's main hall entrance. The world famous logo is big and red, and effectvely states that Infogrames Atari are serious about taking their business and brand to the next level.
However, in this week's edition of trade newspaper MCV, Atari's CEO Bruno Bonnell was quoted as saying that the only way he sees companies like Atari competing with the mighty market share of EA is through consolidation - confirming that they would merge with other publishers "when the time is right." Bruno said: "It's happening in Japan already." I wonder if he knows something about Sega that we don't?
The second hall entrance at the Convention Center is again PlayStation branded, with the "Live in Your World, Play in Ours" slogan that was introduced at last year's E3.
Last year the main hall entrance was branded with Microsoft's Age of Mythology, whilst Sega had 'rights' to the spot for the previous three years.
Tomorrow we terminate this stop-gap coverage nonsense and begin proper coverage of E3 starting with Microsoft's Pre-E3 conference - so expect some big announcements and full coverage right here.
Adam Doree
Kikizo Games