Sega Clarifies Naka Interview
An update to our earlier story - Sega confirms that the 'new Sega console' talk with Yuji Naka was down to translation issues.
Following our earlier news from E3, which pondered over comments regarding 'new Sega hardware' made by Yuji Naka in our interview - Sega has clarified that the comments were inaccurately translated, and categorically stated there is no such hardware in development.
The story, which took extracts from the forthcoming interview, featured Naka-san's words as spoken through his Japanese interpreter. While there's no deniying the arousing nature of the comments on the surface, Sega have contacted us to clarify that these were purely inaccurate in translation. Sega states that Naka was clearly speaking hypothetically about "working hard to realise" new Sega hardware.
Thinking logically it is fairly obvious that there could be no new home entertainment hardware from Sega, for a variety of reasons - but it would still be uber-cool if there was. And before Naka's comments were clarified by Sega today, we feel we were justified in reporting exactly what was said, specifically stressing the likelihood of the translation's wider meaning being inaccurate.
Look forward to the rest of the interview in our post-E3 coverage, which has tonnes of new info on Sonic Heroes and Billy Hatcher.
Adam Doree