Mario 128 Anticipation Rises
Speculation surrounding the immensely anticipated Mario 64 sequel rises, with talk of groundbreaking new central feature. All the latest details inside.
At this yeat's E3, it was almost some kind of crazy joke when Miyamoto told attendees at Nintendo's Pre-E3 briefing that he wanted to surprise and please us in the same way he did last year with Sunshine and Wind Waker. Obviously, we assumed we'd get our first look at Mario 128. But no, actually, he meant PacMan, where your pals play as the ghosts. Super.
We'd even heard speculation before Nintendo's conference that the game would be playable on the showfloor, which although seemed unlikely, wouldn't have been the most surprising E3 twist of all time.
A project that's been in development ever since the era of NCL's 64DD upgrade, Mario 128 is the true sequel to the groundbreaking Mario 64, with a Japanese release pencilled for the end of this year and a western release in spring 2004.
According to Nintendo, who have acknowledged many fans' disappointment with Mario Sunshine since its release, the reason for the non-showing at E3 was that they didn't want competitors imitating the central new idea they've employed in the title, the likes of which they claim has never been seen before in a videogame.
Miyamoto himself has stated that Mario 128 will be a fresher, more original title than Sunshine. The talk of a genuinely groundbreaking new feature in the game has triggered a lot of speculation - what could it be? Hopefully Nintendo is not merely referring to some kind of 'connectivity' gimmick involving the GBA. After all, patient Mario fans want something proper this time round.
And despite mutterings that the 128 project would be reserved for the launch of Nintendo's next generation hardware, after NCL boss Satoru Iwata effectively stated it be unveiled next year, it's looking increasing unlikely to be the case as more Mario 128 details emerge. Surely it is the sendoff that GameCube owners deserve and expect?
Reports have also suggested that the title will be revealed at this year's ECTS in London, or in Nintendo's own event that runs alongside the main show. With no Spaceworld this year and obviously no TGS attendance from Nintendo, it would seem the suitable time to unveil the project - but could Nintendo possibly bring themselves to bestow the European market with such a huge treat?
Only time, and a million games websites, will tell. Stay tuned for more on Mario 128.
Adam Doree
Siine Get, Blatant