Resident Evil: Dead Aim Screens
The Gun Survivor series lives on with Dead Aim, but is it any good? New screens inside.
So is it any good? Well, yes, it is quite good. Gamers familiar with Resi's Gun Survivor titles will be aware that the series offers an enjoyable shooting affair. Dead Aim was released a couple of weeks ago in America, and hits Europe on July 11.
Dead Aim sees search and pursuit team agent, Bruce McGivern spear heading a shady anti-Umbrella organization's attempt to infiltrate and investigate a gigantic sea-cruiser as it makes its way across the Atlantic. Bruce McGivern is a brand new character to the Resident Evil series and along with his mysterious female partner Fongling, must battle against the hoards of relentless zombies that confront them for the first time.
In the true spirit of the survival horror genre, players must perform search and stealth manoeuvres as well as attack moves to make it out alive. Bullets are scarce but new weapons become available as players progress though the game including a grenade launcher, shotgun and assault rifle. Resident Evil: Dead Aim maintains the action and puzzle solving elements that the Resident Evil series is best known for and heightens tension by introducing the new first person perspective.
Basically this is just an excuse to show you some new Dead Aim screens until we can be bothered to review it. So here you go!
John Gold
Kikizo Staff Writer