Sega-AM2: Fighting Game Update
No, it's not AM2's official big news just yet - but here are details on Fighting Vipers 3 and a rumoured VF4 Evo update with yet another new character.
At some point this month, Sega-AM2 is going to make some announcements about forthcoming titles. In the meantime, speculation surrounding two AM2 projects is heating up - specifically, in relation to Fighting Vipers 3 and Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution - Version D.
FIGHTING VIPERS 3: The entertaining weapons-based cousin of Virtua Fighter, is supposedly set to receive a third in the series. The title promises its own version of, which Japanese sources are calling 'Vipers-Net'.
This system would use data cards in the same way as, and probably include neat touches such as customisable armour. Whilst none of this information is confirmed, it is far from unlikely and could possibly be part of AM2's forthcoming announcements.
VF4 EVO - VER. D: Another update to the most rewarding and finely tuned fighting game ever? Sounds like it, from what we've been hearing. Rumours circulating Japanese arcades indicate that the new version of VF4 Evolution, originally slated for release in July, has been delayed until September.
In a similar fashion to all AM2 fighting games which receive constant tweaks and updates, the new version - dubbed 'Version D' - is rumoured to feature around ten new moves for each fighter, and a brand new combatant. Rumours are even circulating about details of the new fighter - suggesting it's a female who practises Hakkyokou-ken, the style Akira uses. Interesting information for VF fanatics, but how accurate is anyone's guess.
A new VF4 Evo update would make sense, since AM2 are always tweaking their fighting games and releasing subtly improved updates in Japanese arcades, and while still popular, the current version of Evo has been pretty thoroughly explored in Japan. The implications of a PS2 release however, are very uncertain.
On a related note, don't expect much in the way of Virtua Fighter 5 news when Suzuki-san speaks this month. Despite gossip that his revelations this month might involve VF5, the more realistic story is that VF5 is in concept-stage development with new arcade hardware in mind - namely, Naomi 3 which was confirmed by Sega some time ago - and probably won't be seen outside AM2's studio in any form until mid-2004 at the earliest.
Adam Doree