Doom 3: New Screens and Videos
Take a look at masses of pristine new screens and fifteen minutes of drop-dead stunning gameplay video footage.
Please Note: We regret that this particular set of screenshots and video footage has been removed at the request of Activision and id Software. We tried our best to keep them up, but then they threatened to unleash the baby monster from the E3 2003 trailer on us, which left us no choice really.
Click here for the rest of our Doom 3 coverage.
Ever since Doom 3 was revealed at least year's E3, gamers have been obsessed with the latest installment in the most renowned firstperson shooting franchise ever. Demonstrating the game in a secure viewing booth, id representatives played through about ten minutes of game, leaving anyone who saw it gobsmacked.
This year the showing was not as impressive, with a new trailer revealed - supposedly running on Xbox - first at Microsoft's Pre-E3 conference for Xbox, then showing at Activision's booth at the show (and available for download here).
The E3 2002 showing formed the basis of our preview impressions and media which has been up for a while now.
But frankly, we need more, and we're sure as hell you do too. So we've posted some fresh screens and an awesome video download based on last year's unveiling of the game, that will quite likely require spare underwear.
We still have to reserve gameplay impressions until we've actually played the damn thing, which will be whenever id Software is ready, and probably not before the scheduled October 3 release date.
The three videos offer the same direct feed content at different quality, depending on download and server conditions. You'll see an impressive real-time introduction, and then the bulk of the video is gameplay in several areas, showing many enemies, environments and weapons. Some nice cut-scenes are included, as is the grotesque finale - as described in our existing preview.
As ever, we encourage the use of peer-to-peer sharing programs to help share videos, as our servers are likely to be running at capacity during busy times and you may find it faster to try searching for the filenames of these videos somewhere like Kazaa.
Doom 3 really is a videogame with extraordinary potential. It's not a technical demo, it's not hyperbole - it's nearing completion and it's totally solid, hardcore, scary FPS gorgeousness. God only knows how amazing the final game will be. But check out the media links below for a sneaky preview.
Kikizo Staff
You will NOT escape!
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Description | Dur. | Size | Details |
16min | 124MB | WMV |
16min | 81.5MB | WMV |
16min | 53.3MB | WMV |