Shenmue 3 Still Not Confirmed
Despite allegedly 'official' reports over the weekend that Shenmue III had been confirmed, we can confirm that it hasn't.
Over the last few days, Shenmue III talk has started again, after excitement peaked a few days ago. This time however, reports have stated that some kind of official announcement had been.
These claims stemmed from AM2's website, and specifically the 'Daily AM2' section that has proven popular with Japanese fans for many years. On July 18th, there was talk of Shenmue III, and even a discussion about the possibility of the first two games being included as part of the supposed Shenmue III "Special Edition" bundle.
When trying to verify the source, many reports have used familiar automated translation services - the results of which made the text seem quite official and as if it was an announcement of some kind.
Unconvinced, we had the page properly translated, which agreed with most of the 'automated' translation, but revealed one important thing that AltaVista did not: the ramblings were merely fan mail, suggesting some ideas for Shenmue III and complaining about the long wait!
So, while we know the project exists, it is still not confirmed - not officially nor internally - to have started development. For the time being, everything we know about the status of the Shenmue III project can be found here.
Adam Doree