Siren: New Details and First Screens
Sony Computer Entertainment's Silent Hill clone will be at the PlayStation Experience to make its world debut. Details inside.
Late last week, these two screenshots started doing the rounds on the web, introducing gamers to a firstparty Sony title known as Siren.
Today we can reveal more about the game, details for which have so far been very thin indeed.
Siren, which is in development at SCEI, has stolen a few ideas from Silent Hill according to our source, although that much is pretty obvious from the first two screenshots. It was hinted that a number of gameplay elements will be similar, in addition to the visual and artistic style.
An official announcement is expected in the run up to the PlayStation Experience, which takes place at London's Earls Court from August 28. Best of all, the title is said to be on show at the PlayStation Experience event itself - although what form it will take (playable/video) is unknown at this point.
Finally, we can tell you the game - which we bet you're real excited about by now - will be released early 2004.
Stay tuned for more details and screens of what - at the least - looks like being a pretty scary game.
Adam Doree