Sonic: New Levels in Screens & Video
More Sonic Heroes media, showing two of the levels we revealed last week, in hi-res screens and a new video.
Here's the latest Sonic Heroes media to join our archive - probably the largest collection of Sonic Heroes media anywhere, you know. In another Sega exclusive, we showed you several new levels in the game for the first time ever last week. Sonic Team USA has now revealed hi-res screens of two of those levels, along with a fantastic new video.
We must commend Sega on its media support of this title so far. None of this protecting the property nonsense, no 'product overexposure' bile. Just shed loads of media every few weeks, just how we like it. All going well... we might even get our hands on final preview code shortly at this rate!
"Sega hasn't yet revealed levels we uncovered last week - Jungle, AirBase or Castle..."
A new special feature has also been revealed, known as 'Sonic Overdrive'. Its purpose has not yet been fully explained, but it appears to be something players can pull off in-game during regular levels, providing some kind of power boost in the team formation. It also turns the screen purple! Which we suppose is cool.
Finally, these latest screens also show the brand new Versus Mode, although little is revealed about how this mode will work. You will find many more examples of all these new modes, features and the two new levels, on the more screenshots link below.
Sega has not yet revealed many of the levels we uncovered last week - such as the jungle-themed level, the AirBase level, and the Gloomy Castle level. So tell all your friends about it before it becomes old news, or we'll send Cream the Rabbit round to punish you.
Director, Kikizo.comClick here for 32 additional new screens
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Sonic Heroes
More gorgeous direct-feed, hi-res gameplay footage, showing PowerPlant and Grand Metropolice in action. [480x360, 1830kbps]1.43min