GameBoy Enhanced: New World of Lies
Impressive fan artwork gets yet more January recycling treatment - this time to fuel the latest amazing 'next Nintendo thing' rumours.
We've got our own theories as to what the next Nintendo 'thing' is that NCL boss Satoru Iwata keeps teasing the industry about. But it isn't this.
The GameBoy Enhanced, an imaginary machine mocked up by another anonymous Nintendo follower, is most unlikely to be the grand spectacle at Nintendo's promised E3 2004 unveiling.
The machine has a flip-top screen and plays both GameCube and GameBoy Advance games - or at least it would if it existed in any form whatsoever.
Although it would tie-in with Iwata's recent and possibly inebriated comments about the next major Nintendo product enabling "fun and movement not seen before", it has been suggested this makes the mystery machine sound more like a masturbation device of some sort, not an über-cool GCN/GBA handheld that would cost loads to buy and will never come out.
The image has been doing the rounds since late last year, but as with the latest Mario 128 pics, has resurfaced in a particularly quiet January.
Stay tuned for more on Nintendo's next machine, which MUST succeed if the company wants to keep paying Hiroshi Yamauchi's travel expenses.
Adam Doree