Halo 2 Set for Fall, New Screenshot
Bungie says its confident about Halo 2's new release date of Fall 2004, and celebrates by releasing the first multiplayer screenshot.
In an announcement on its website, famed Halo developer Bungie announced that Halo 2 has been delayed from an expected Spring/Summer release to Fall, 2004.
The news reads, "So remember last year when we told you we don't announce release dates until we're confident we'll meet our deadline? Well now we're confident. Halo 2 will ship in Fall, 2004. Please make a note of it."
Bungie also saw fit to release the first multiplayer screenshot of Halo 2, promising to treat visitors to its website with the first Halo 2 info for being its "most important audience." It didn't mention they'd need to get permission from Microsoft first though.
The piece also promised a bucketload of new details on the game over the coming months, particularly at E3. But will the E3 showing really be the same without Ed Fries enthusing about it beforehand? Ed, what have you done?! Stay tuned.
Adam Doree
Director, Kikizo.com