Flash is Future as Xbox 2 Loses HDD
A flash memory firm in a relationship with Microsoft has told a newspaper that its storage media will be the only storage inside Xbox 2... thrilling details inside!
Flash memory, the media used in most modern digital consumer equipment for flexible storage, is said to be replacing the more expensive, traditional hard disc drive technology for the second generation Xbox console.
The rumour has been popular for some time, with many believing that the opportunity to reduce the cost of Xbox 2 from the off shall prove too enticing for Microsoft.

But the speculation looked concrete today as M-Systems, which is working with Microsoft to provide tonnes of flash memory for 'mystery' consumer products, categorically stated to an Israeli business newspaper that its flash storage would replace the HDD as seen in Xbox 1.
M-Systems CEO Dov Moran had Microsoft PR switchboards frying again as he told Globes, "Microsoft has taken the hard disc out of its Xbox... when users want to save their e-mail messages, copy music, or anything like that, the only storage they'll have is what we give them."
USB2.0 technology transfers data forty times faster than outdated USB1.1, and the memory is available to consumers in sizes of up to several gigabytes, with massive 50GB+ flash memory products set to emerge from labs sooner than expected.
Microsoft has refused to comment on what it calls "speculation", and although the news is not absolutely certain, it wouldn't come as a big surprise if it's all true. The move to flexible flash memory storage in Xbox 2 would reduce manufacturing costs, giving Microsoft a better starting position than it had this time round.
But if the M-Systems boss is telling the truth about Xbox 2, then the fact he has revealed what he knows so prematurely (perhaps to impress ladies?) will provide Kutaragi and company with exactly the intelligence they need when making key decisions about what to include with PlayStation 3 out of the box. Bravo!
In other "news", it was recently claimed that Nintendo's dual-screen DS portable is able to play movies from flash storage in its current prototype form, which is a bit obvious really, since a) you can store any kind of data you want on flash, including video, and b) it has a screen (two in fact!) with some chips inside that make stuff appear on the them. It might have been more interesting news were it claimed that you can watch two movies at once! Or something.
Stay tuned for more from the next gen soap opera!
Adam Doree
Director, Kikizo.com