Nintendo Europe Announces £10m Giveaway
An upbeat Nintendo Europe follows Microsoft's lead and starts giving away loads of money, presumably not to look cheap.
Nintendo UK is treating fans to more than a chocolate egg this Easter with its incredible promotion 'The Nintendo £10 million Giveaway'. People who purchase a Nintendo GameCube or Game Boy Advance SP between 2nd - 25th April 2004, will receive a booklet of money-off vouchers* worth a fantastic £250. Great savings can then be made on Nintendo hardware and software, savings on entrance to top UK theme parks including Alton Towers, Thorpe Park and discounts on Camp Beaumont Kids Holidays.

Dawn Paine, Head of Marketing at Nintendo UK added: "This £10 million giveaway offers consumers incredible discounts redeemable against a variety of products and activities. With hardware, software and reduced ticket offers for popular attractions like Alton Towers and Thorpe Park, Nintendo fans will have plenty to keep them occupied this Easter."
With the booklet of money off vouchers, you can save from £5 to £10 on great software titles such as Soul Calibur II, Mario Party 5 and Metroid Fusion. For anyone who purchases a Game Boy Advance SP, they will be entitled to save £20 on a Nintendo GameCube. Similarly, those who purchase a Nintendo GameCube will be entitled to the same discount on the purchase of a Game Boy Advance SP.
To claim your savings, you need to send your proof of purchase for both the hardware and software, along with the completed voucher, to the Nintendo Service Centre. For more details and Ts&Cs, see Nintendo's site. Er, somewhere on there anyway.
Adam Doree