Amazing Doom 3 New Screenshot Attack!
Er, right. A series of new screens from the id Software super sequel for consumption.
Activision has released a new Doom 3 screenshot, featuring the skeleton dude we've seen before, along with the floating child demon head monster thing.
We've also taken this opportunity to round up a few additional, and still amazing screens that slipped through our fingers before.
With any luck, Doom 3's development team will actually have a playable version for everyone to get their hands on at this year's E3, following a hands-on multiplayer experience offered a while back at QuakeCon 2003.
A closer look at the Xbox rendition, converted alongside the key PC version by Vicarious Visions, is also expected.
Click here for tonnes more on Doom 3 - not including astonishingly good direct feed gameplay videos though, because id forced us to take them down last year by threatening to hit us with a keyboard.
Stay tuned for all the latest on Doom 3, which might be quite good.
Adam Doree