Paper Mario 2 Revealed - First Shots
It's not an April Fool, and it's not Mario Universe - a sequel to Paper Mario is on the way. First screens and details.
In the latest issue of Famitsu, the latest Mario game is exposed - it's still not time for Mario 128, which Miyamoto-san is reportedly rushing to get ready for a big E3 showing.
Instead, a sequel to N64's Paper Mario, or Mario Story as it's called in Japan, is on its way to GameCube. A Japanese release is expected this Autumn, with western releases to follow supposedly before the year is out.
The sequel, developed by the original studio at Intelligent Systems, puts Mario and chums in a pseudo-3D world with strictly 2D sprites and gameplay. Although Mario 128 rumoured to innovate in the regard somehow, there is very unlikely to be any shortage of demand for conventional 2D Mario action, especially on GameCube.
With some RPG elements fashioned in, Paper Mario 2 will be one to keep an eye on. So that's what we'll do!
Adam Doree