Killzone: Yet More 'New' Screens
Right, that's it. We're not posting ANY MORE until some new environments are shown. We're sick of this level.
Blah blah. Killzone. "Halo beater" and all that. Whatever. We're really looking forward to playing it - if for no other reason, then because it will mean we're at E3. And hopefully, that will also mean something new of the game is shown, instead of umpteen screens of the same goddamn part of the game.
These are starting to look so same-y now that we actually had to check the screens we've posted before, to see whether or not these were 'new'. At least Bungie and Id Software show off new environments, even if they only release one screenshot per year.
See you next time for more Killzone - hopefully not until E3, where the game will be making a big noise at Sony's stand.
Adam Doree