No Online Co-Op Play in Halo 2
Crescendo of anticipation becomes deafening.
With the release of Halo 2 for Xbox just two weeks away, the crescendo of anticipation is building to deafening levels, prompting Microsoft to slowly divulge information about its most important title. According to a Gamespot report, Microsoft has confirmed Halo 2 will not support co-operative multiplayer via either system link or the Internet.
In the absence of these options, those wishing to tackle the game's story mode with a friend are relegated to doing so via split-screen exclusively. Of course, this has no effect on the game's other multiplayer aspects. Halo 2 will feature numerous online modes and will take full advantage of Microsoft's Xbox Live service.
Halo launched alongside the Xbox hardware in 2001 and remains one of the console's best selling titles, edging its way into Xbox top ten lists to this day. Halo 2, which has already been delayed for a year, promises to greatly expand upon the original in both single- and multiplayer.
Halo 2 is released in the UK for Xbox on 11 November.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games