Grab Zelda and Win Gold
Legend Of Zelda contest for UK.
While Europeans are forced to sit simmering while the rest of the world takes delivery of Nintendo's new handheld, the Nintendo DS, later this year, they can at least take solace in an exclusive Legend Of Zelda competition running in the UK.
On Friday, 12 November, Nintendo will release the latest portable instalment in the seminal Legend Of Zelda franchise.
Titled Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap, the Game Boy Advance game will come as a standalone cartridge and also as part of a limited edition pack, which contains a gold-coloured Game Boy Advance SP adorned with a Triforce logo.
Contained within six of these Zelda Limited Edition Paks are golden tickets that will earn each of the winners a very special prize - a 24-carat gold-plated Game Boy Advance SP.
These six golden tickets are secreted in Zelda Limited Edition Paks available from six popular High Street retailers: Game, Gamestation, HMV, Virgin, WH Smith and Toys R Us.
The gold-plated Game Boy Advance SPs will be available in very limited numbers, making this the item to have for the discerning Zelda fan.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games