Kennedy Assassination Docu-Game Out
Find out what really happened in JFK Reloaded - first screens inside.
Forty-one years ago, Lee Harvey Oswald perched himself at the window of the sixth floor of a book depository in Dallas, and with three pinpoint shots killed the president of the United States. Or at least that's one version of the story.
Now, with the aid of a downloadable game developed by Scottish developer Traffic Management, gamers can test out this theory for themselves.
JFK: Reloaded is termed a "docu-game" by its creators. Through examination of official records and accounts and seven months of research, Traffic has produced its best recreation of that fateful day in Texas.
"This new form of interactive entertainment brings history to life and will stimulate a younger generation of players to take an interest in this fascinating episode of American history," said Kirk Ewing, managing director of Traffic and the creator of JFK: Reloaded.
"We've created the game in the belief that Oswald was the only person that fired the shots on that day, although this recreation proves how immensely difficult his task was."
Amateur historians and conspiracy theorists alike can get a taste of the challenge facing Oswald by heading over to (a fee of $9.99 [£6] is payable).
And not for nothing - Traffic has announced that it will award $100,000 to the first person to most accurately recreate Oswald's triple-hit.
"We genuinely believe that if we get enough people playing the game we'll be able to disprove once and for all any notion that someone else was involved in the assassination, said Ewing.
"The computer ballistics model says it's possible, but players will discover just how hard it is to place those three bullets in exactly the same way that Oswald did."
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games