GMX Launches Official Will Of Steel Site
Voice-activated game goes through pre-launch motions.
The current global political climate is rife with war and this is reflected in the new titles being released. Will Of Steel is a real-time strategy game for PC from GMX Media that puts you in the boots of a US Marines commanding officer. Your mission: to thwart baddies wherever they pop up.
Not shy of aping recent events, the game is set in the early 1990s. Your course through the game will take you to Iraq and Afghanistan and other theatres of war, where you'll be able to direct tanks, armoured personnel carriers and squads of infantry.
The game also lets you use more than just a mouse and keyboard - using voice commands you can move troops, adjust the camera and use special options, such as calling in air strikes or launching long-range missile volleys.
With the release of Will Of Steel nearly upon us, GMX has unveiled the game's official presence on the Web.
RTS fans can expect regular updates on all that is Will Of Steel at the Web site until the game's release in February.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games