Swords of Destiny Prepare to Slice Europe
Violent action game from the creators of Blinx. Really.
There was a time when Japan was the epicentre of the videogame industry and while the country has lost the stranglehold on innovation it once had, there are still many games that deserve a wider audience than just that insular nation.
Rising Star is a new UK-based company that has staked a claim on Japanese games with the intent of bringing them over to Europe. Earlier this year, the company secured the rights to bring over several new iterations of the Harvest Moon farming-sim series and now Rising Star has confirmed that the action game Swords of Destiny is on the way as well.
Developed by Blinx creator Artoon, the game focuses on the adrenalised antics of a young swordsman named Lei Yun. Lei Yun's task is to avenge his slain master and defeat hordes of demons and the man behind his master's death.
Gameplay is fast-paced and based around dozens of enchanted swords that allow for vicious strikes and combos. Enemies can be juggled by blow after blow or entire areas can be devastated by spell attacks.
Swords of Destiny is set for release in Japan in February and will be released on PlayStation 2 in Europe this June.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games