Destroy All Humans This Spring
New screens for Pandemic's alien game.
The human race is a despicable thing, a blight on the face of earth and, perhaps most aptly, something to be feared - at least according to the Furons, heroes of Destroy All Humans! that is.
In THQ's new action game, you play as Cryo, a Furon sent to earth on a reconnaissance mission. Your goal is simple: gather information and begin the destruction of mankind. But, since you're alone, you shouldn't just go in guns blazing.
Developed by the Full Spectrum Warrior creators at Pandemic Studios, Destroy All Humans! lets you take less obvious routes through the game, allowing you to get to grips with Cryo's psychic and attack skills to prepare the planet for the inevitable full-scale invasion by the Furons.
You'll be able to do all the things that make alien invasions fun, such as reading people's minds to find their weaknesses and to control them, and abducting innocent cows and townsfolk with your UFO for experimentation.
Destroy All Humans! is heading for Xbox and PlayStation sometime this spring. In the meantime, while away your remaining time on earth by browsing these new screenshots from the Xbox version of the game.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games