Buena Vista Joins the UMD Movie Fray
Five new movies, including Johnny Depp's Pirates of the Caribbean, coming to a PSP near you.
With the PSP set for release in North America in a matter of days, companies are starting to pledge their support for Sony's new handheld - in the form of games or other entertainment offerings. The latest is Buena Vista Entertainment, which has announced that it will be releasing five movies - including Johnny Depp hit Pirates of the Caribbean - on the PSP's proprietary UMD format, with more to follow in the future.
Eyeing the tried-and-true market of effects-hungry young men, Buena Vista has plucked five suitable flicks from its bounteous archives for its PSP debut.
The movies confirmed for the first batch include Pirates of the Caribbean, National Treasure, Reign of Fire, Hero and Kill Bill Vol 1.
Buena Vista joins Lions Gate Entertainment as the only companies, apart from Sony itself, dipping their toes into the UMD movie waters. With prices comparable to DVD, UMD's ability to eke itself a share of the bulging home entertainment market is still in doubt.
Sony has said that it is pursuing deals that would allow other film studios to release movies on UMD.
There has been no word yet as to which of the growing number of movies set for release on UMD in North America will make their way to Europe. Sony has yet to announce any launch specifics for the PSP, but recent comments from the company seem to indicate that the release could still be a few months away.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games