Prince of Persia 3 Exposed
Ubisoft's action game will be on show at E3, but we've got the first screens and details right now.
Ubisoft has already confirmed that it will be showcasing its new Prince of Persia game at E3 next month, but there's been little revealed about the gameplay - until now, that is.
Prince of Persia 3 will, according to Ubisoft, "blend the best features from the first two instalments" and, in a first for the series, features two playable characters. The tribulations of the first two games have taken their toll on the acrobatic young man, who finds himself being possessed by the Dark Prince. The game will allow you to play as either of the Prince or the Dark Prince, who each bring their own style, attitude and story to the experience.
Early screenshots suggest that the darker tone of Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within has been kept, but Ubisoft is promising plenty of new time-warping powers and enhanced stealth gameplay too.
Prince of Persia 3 will be shown off at E3 next month and it is on track for release on GameCube, PlayStation 2, PC and Xbox in the second half of the year.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games