EA Hits the SSXy Slopes Again
The series that saw many through the early days of the PlayStation 2 is back.
Every few years a game comes out that makes some sport or genre cool. For snowboarding, that game was SSX, which debuted on PlayStation 2 at launch in 2000 and saw many through the early, gameless days of the console. Five years later and the series is still cruising along, with the latest version, SSX on Tour, already in development.
SSX on Tour brings back the core trick-'n-race gameplay that has endeared the series to gamers the world over. This latest outing adds more story elements to the experience and sees you creating your own boarder before putting them on the path to fame and fortune.
The bulk of the gameplay will likely remain the same, if past iterations are anything to go by, but EA is promising all the new stuff you'd expect from a perennial series, including new tricks and new courses. You can see for yourself how much they've added to the series when SSX On Tour hits PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube this winter.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games