Win! Satin Silver Slimline PS2s
Inhaled? Silver? Just try getting a thinner, sexier piece of gaming kit than this!
It took long enough for PS2's decidedly retro exterior to get a makeover, in the form of the tiny slimline model announced last year. And as many of you will recall from our earlier report, the style binge doesn't end there...

The new Satin Silver model is now available throughout Europe, selling alongside the current black model at a recommended retail price of €159 or £114.99.
For no reason other than we're really nice, we're giving away two of these gorgeous units, thanks to those lovely people at Sony. Just answer this tough question:
Which of the following can the Satin Silver PlayStation 2 NOT do?
a) Play games
b) Play DVDs
c) Warp you from one time zone to another to get you to E3 without the fear of dying somehow on a twelve hour flight?
Email your answer to, stating your full name, UK mailing address, and your answer to the question. You must also make sure that your email address will be active at the date the copetition closes.
The competition closing date is Friday, May 20th 2005, nby which time we might just be salivating over yet another piece of gorgeous Sony hardware... All winners will be notified by email soon after the closing date.
Important Note: unlike our monthly forum game giveaway, where you can win any game of your choice, this competition is only open to readers in Europe, because we said so.
Kikizo Staff
Hate flying.