E3: Ninja Gaiden Blackened
Tough game gets even tougher - woohoo!
Tecmo's hard-as-nails action game Ninja Gaiden is being revamped with new content for re-release later this year. Ninja Gaiden Black will include the same game that dominated gamers last year with its unflinchingly gameplay and also the two hurricane expansion packs.
And that's not all. If you pick up Ninja Gaiden Black when it hits shops around September, you'll be treated to new in-game movie scenes, a recreation of the original Ninja Gaiden arcade game and a host of other extras.
Team Ninja, the developers of Ninja Gaiden, have included new difficulty levels, though it's not clear if these are easier, to help those who had problems with the game's impenetrability, or harder, for pure masochists.
Stay tuned for a brand new exclusive and extensive interview with DOA and Gaiden creator Tomonobu Itragaki.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games