PlayStation 3 Lands Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy X producer confirms he's working on a new series instalment, side-steps semantics.
Square Enix's Final Fantasy series may not have the clout in Europe that it does in Japan, but the confirmation that an instalment in the popular series is in the works for PlayStation 3 is still cause for cheer.
The company teased E3 attendees last month with a technical demonstration that recreated the opening scene from Final Fantasy VII (see your huge video blowout to see the goods). In a recent interview, Final Fantasy X producer Yoshinori Kitase confirmed that the top-selling series would be appearing on Sony's new console.
"I can only officially state that we are making a Final Fantasy for the PlayStation 3," Kitase told Japanese magazine Dengeki PlayStation.
Kitase, who is working on the new Final Fantasy game with other Final Fantasy X developers, side-stepped questions about whether the game is an extension of the Final Fantasy VII tech demo.
Kitase also spoke briefly about creating the tech demo, saying that his team had to rush to get it out. Despite the visual quality of the demo (not to mention that pants-wetting it got from series die-hards), Kitase said that he and his team took only about a month and a half to create it.
But this new Final Fantasy title not the only next-gen work on Square Enix's plate. The company has also confirmed that it is working on new Final Fantasy games for both Xbox 360 and Revolution.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games