Play Cops-And-Robbers Online in APB
New MMOG from GTA creator transforms the worst of inner-city life into a game. We can't wait.
For many residents of sprawling, crime-ridden cities the concept behind APB (that's all points bulletin in cop-talk) may seem perverse. APB is a massively multiplayer online game that drops you in a seething cesspool of a city where the police and criminals play a never-ending game of cops-and-robbers.
But APB, which is being developed by Grand Theft Auto creator David Jones and his Real Time Worlds studio, brings interesting concepts to the ever-more-crowded MMOG genre.
The heart of APB is the massive city that plays host to the gangs-versus-cops gameplay. As a gang member, your goal is to gain control of as much turf as possible. You can hook up with other players or computer controlled gangsters, the latter of which are crucial for defence while you're offline.
And because the world is persistent, it carries on living, even when you're away, giving rival gangs an opportunity to elbow in on your territory when you log off. The drones will help keep them at bay, and the game will e-mail or text you to let you know that your turf is under threat.
Playing as the good guys takes on a real police vibe, as you investigate other players and try to quell the crime running rampant in the city. Whichever side of the law you're on, though, you'll be able to fully customize your character.
APB is, however, still a long way from completion. Real Time Worlds has earmarked 2007 for the release of the PC version, and the recently confirmed Xbox 360 iteration should follow only in 2008.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games