Rare Pondering Nintendo Again
And since they're owned by Microsoft, that makes for some very interesting bed-fellows.
The thought of Microsoft developing games for Nintendo sounds preposterous, but that's exactly what seems to be happening.
Earlier this week, Rare, the team behind Nintendo classics GoldenEye and Donkey Kong Country, put out recruitments ads for two developers to work on DS games. While the company was at one stage tightly affiliated with Nintendo, Rare is now wholly owned by Microsoft.
Neither Rare nor Microsoft has officially announced any games for the DS, but the ads suggest that it's only a matter of time until they do.
Rare is also hard at work making games for Microsoft's next-generation machine. Kameo: Elements Of Power and Perfect Dark Zero are both set for release on Xbox 360 at or soon after the console's launch at the end of the year.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games