Has Sony Misjudged PSP Demand?
Some retailers are running out of their launch allotments, but is it their fault or Sony's?
The six-month gap between the North American release of the PSP in March and the release in the UK in September has been excruciating for many, but with the portable now only weeks from release, stores are finding that there is even more demand than they anticipated.
Game.net, the online arm of High Street retailer Game, has already run out of its initial batch of PSPs. A notice at the company's site tells the sad tell, suggesting that prospective owners get in line for the follow-up shipment, expected later in September.
Over at Amazon.co.uk, PSP business is booming too. There's no indication that demand has overshot supply at the popular online retailer, even though the PSP is currently the best-selling item at the store.
Pre-orders placed at Amazon have an estimated shipping date of 30 August, for delivery on 1 September.
It's a frustrating position for Britons who, after having to wait so long already, are not in the mood for more frustration. Sony isn't helping.
The company has refused to give out any information about how many PSPs are coming to the UK or even to Europe in its entirety. When asked to clear up the situation, a company representative said, "We're not making any comment on shipment figures."
Is there a chance that even with the long delay between the portable's debut in Japan last December and the European release next month there won't be enough stock? For now, few people know, and they're not talking.
The PSP will hit the UK and the rest of Europe on September 1st.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games