Mario Taking to the Pitch This Autumn
Quite how Mario stays so rotund with all the sports he's doing is a mystery.
The Premier League is due to kick off later this week, but keen observers will notice one crucial missing component: magical mushroom power-ups. Thankfully, Nintendo has spotted this glaringly obvious hole in the football world and is coming to save the day with Mario Smash Football later this year.
As you've no doubt guessed, this isn't ordinary football. While Nintendo has worked hard to get the five-a-side mechanics down, it has spruced up the action with all manner of Nintendo-themed characters and goodies.
The game is comprised of several gameplay modes that cover exhibition and tournaments play and also multiplayer with up to three other gamers.
Mario Smash Football will be hit Europe on 18 November. Nintendo is planning to bring out a special edition bundle containing a white GameCube to go along with the game's release.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games