Dark Sector Picks Up a Publisher
Shooter from Unreal co-creators goes from first-announced-next-gen game to a far-off reality.
The early days of each new console generation are abuzz with game announcements - sometimes for titles far from release. And so it was that Unreal co-creators Digital Extreme announced in early 2004 that it was working on a new third-person shooter for PC and next-gen consoles called Dark Sector. The game has now landed a publisher and the parties concerned are talking more about what we can expect.
With a late 2007 release date, thanks to D3Publisher, there's understandably still not much known about the game. The story is set in a fictional Balkan state and is centred on a man with the power to morph into different forms.
Expect the weapons, built using biomechanical concepts, to be a big part of the publisher's push as the game gets further into its development cycle. As hinted at by the name, Dark Sector features a lot of shrouded gameplay, which lends itself well to stealthy action gameplay.
Much like Gears of War, which is being developed by Unreal co-creator Epic Games, Dark Sector eschews the now-familiar first-person viewpoint for an over the shoulder experience.
Dark Sector will be out for unnamed next-gen consoles (probably Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 only) and PC during summer 2007. For more on the game, check out the developer's official site.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games