Driver Sets Up Shop on the Web
There's not long to go now until Atari brings the tainted Driver series back, and with that comes a new website.
It's coming up on two years since gamers first stumbled into the widely reviled Driv3r and Atari is hoping that's long enough for that bitter taste to disappear and for you to be willing to give the series another go. Driver: Parallel Lines is the latest game in the series and its publisher is kicking the promotional material into place.
Atari launched the official Driver: Parallel Lines site this week. Here you'll find everything you need to know about new protagonist T.K. and his troubles with rivals and cops during the game's late '70s and early '00s settings.
Apart from the one-city setting (this time all the action takes place in New York), the biggest change is to the balance of driving versus on-foot gameplay, which has been swung back in favour of the wheeled bits after critics slated the more Grand Theft Auto-like street stuff.
Driver: Parallel Lines is coming this March for Xbox and PlayStation 2. For more screens and trailers, check out the game's official site.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games