Microsoft Dismisses the Revolution
As far as Microsoft is concerned, there's only one rival in the next-generation hardware war.
This year will see all three hardware makers get stuck in the greatest hardware battle yet, but if you think like Microsoft, there are only two competitors to speak of: Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
So why the disdain for Nintendo and the Revolution? According to Microsoft's Bryan Lee, it all comes down to Nintendo's new mantra of cozying up to both gamers and so-called non-gamers:
"The odd thing about this, [with] Nintendo, in a lot of ways - unless something changes - we're moving farther and farther from being competitors."
"All the early indications are [the Revolution] is going to be a very nice little thing that's not based on the same kind of gamer experience that we're trying to push. No disrespect intended. It's just a different approach."
Nintendo would agree. Everything known about Revolution says Nintendo is splitting from Microsoft and Sony, who are locked in a battle of specs. But there are still analysts and other watchers who think that despite this the company could seriously challenge the other two.
In Japan, at least, Nintendo will draw on the same audience that is helping the DS bludgeon the PSP to push the Revolution over the Xbox 360 (which is doing dismally). But it is the two largest regions, Europe and North America, that will be giving Nintendo many more headaches.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games