Age of Empires Hits 1m, Offers Prizes
Microsoft's RTS series hits the big time and you're the one who is going to score.
Microsoft's Age of Empires series has always been popular with real-time strategy fans, and it's getting more popular still. The company revealed this week that the latest instalment, Age of Empires III, has already hit a million units sold, making it the fastest selling game in the franchise yet.
To celebrate the million-in-four-months achievement, Microsoft and developer Ensemble are holding a competition to reward the speediest Age of Empires III player.
The Fastest Industrial Age contest challenges you to kick-start your civilisation from its lowly beginnings to the Industrial Age as quickly as possible. Do it faster than anybody else and you'll earn yourself a high-end PC, while runners-up will score video cards from Nvidia.
For more on Age of Empires III and to get all the details about the Fastest Industrial Age competition, check out the official Age Community site.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games