Princess Peach Set to Kick Butt on DS
Tired of being the victim, Peach is rolling up her sleeves to kick some Bowser ass. And it's about time. New screens.
The Nintendo cannon is littered with instances of the Mario brothers having to save perennial victim Princess Peach, but for her highness's debut game the roles have been reversed and it's the princess who'll be doing the saving.
The story in Super Princess Peach for DS begins with reptilian ne'er-do-well Bowser using a charmed staff called the Vibe Sceptre to kidnap Mario and Luigi, whisking them off to his fortress on Vibe Island.
Armed with a parasol (a magical one, natch, named Perry) and emotionally charged powers, it's up to the dangerously cute Princess Peach to come in for the save.
The magical nature of Vibe Island funnels Peach's feelings of joy, calm, rage and gloom into new and surprising powers, which she'll have to use to save the plumber brothers. Peach also has previously latent athletic abilities to help her, not to mention Perry's whacking abilities.
Girl power will be in full effect when Super Princess Peach paints the DS pink later this month. The game is due on 27 February in North America and on 26 May in Europe.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games