Nintendo Primes Revolution for E3
The company has teased and taunted us for a long time now, but look for solid details at the big event this spring.
Like Sony with the PlayStation 3, Nintendo has been needlessly vague about when we can expect the Revolution to hit, but while Sony has at least acknowledged some of the games in the offing for its console, Nintendo hasn't even finished talking about its hardware yet. Look for that to change in a big way this May when Revolution takes centre stage at Nintendo's E3 conference.
"This year [at E3], we are boiling it down to talking about innovation in the form of Revolution with this amazing controller and the different things you can do on that system," Nintendo's Perrin Kaplan told game site Next Generation. "We'll focus on the different games and experiences you can have with that system."
With third-party support for the GameCube waning, Kaplan was quick to point out how excited about the controller and the console the biggest players in the industry are, with EA, Activision, Ubisoft and THQ name-dropped in a showing of confidence.
"We tell them the direction we are going in, and they understand," said Kaplan. "They are excited by the chance to work outside the usual lines, they totally get it."
Look for Revolution games to make a big showing at E3, too. With the launch coming up, what's important now is getting the word out on what the motion-sensitive controller is all about. And as the console speeds to stores, expect demo pods to pop up en masse so that people, gamers or not, can experience the difference themselves.
Oh, and if you were wondering, the Revolution is definitely coming "this year," says Kaplan. "At some point soon we'll be more specific about the date."
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games