Formula One Does PSP, PS2 Together
Sony's latest official game will give you a chance to race against your handheld brethren.
Life sometimes deals us cruel blows, like when your friend rushes out to buy Sony's new Formula One 06 for PlayStation 2 while you're stuck with the PSP version. Thankfully, someone at Studio Liverpool - that would be Sony's in-house team, responsible for WipEout too - decided that the two systems should be able to play together.
For the first time, you'll be able to enjoy cross-platform network play, where PlayStation 2 and PSP owners can race against each other in this year's Formula One game.
That's not the only new stuff this year. For its latest official game, Sony is emphasising the game's newbie friendliness, which it manages through on-screen and AI aids. Of course, the depth hardcore race fans want is still there and you'll be able to tinker with excruciating detail to make your car as fast as mechanically possible.
Online play is getting a big boost this year. In addition to the PSP-PlayStation 2 racing, you'll also be able to take part in full, 18-race seasons online.
Formula One 06 will be out for PSP and PlayStation 2 in Europe this June.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games