New Ghost Recon Content Goes Live
New maps, 'new' maps, and other stuff too. But it comes at a price.
Ubisoft's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter is one of the most popular games on the Xbox 360, especially on Xbox Live, where it's consistently one of the most played games online. Look for that to continue now that Ubisoft has made new content available for download.
The so-called Chapter 2 content adds a bunch of new stuff, including four new levels for co-operative play that are set in the inky blankness of the Nicaraguan jungle.
Eight of the multiplayer maps already in the game have been relit, effectively giving them new life by demanding new strategies in online play. There are also five new weapons and new camouflage patterns. The downloadable content is topped off with four new faces you can use to create your own characters.
All of this new content comes with a price, though. The Chapter 2 download will set you back 1,200 Microsoft points (around $15 or £8).
To find out more about Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, visit Ubisoft's site.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games