Virtua Fighter 5 - New Screens
Fresh visuals from Sega's now PS3-only (well, in the West, at least) fighter.
Virtua Fighter 5 is easily one of the most anticipated fighters in the next-generation. While it's a pity that the game will not be getting an arcade release outside of Japan (see our interview with Hiroshi Kataoka, boss of Sega AM2, for full details), we're happy that we'll at least get to play the game on the PlayStation 3. So, naturally, when new screens hit the press sites today, we pounced to bring them to you, good reader.
If you missed our essential previous coverage, check our detailed, expert hands-on previews here and here, three overflowing video updates including this latest one, and some additional hi-res screens here.
Alex Wollenschlaeger
Editor, Kikizo Games